Seth Udinski, FISM News
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On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate engrossed a bill — the final step before submission for a Senate vote — that would ensure the federal government is not supporting any organizations involved in modern-day slavery or human trafficking.
Republican Senators James Lankford (Okla.) and Joni Earnest (Iowa) introduced Bill S.3470, known as the “End Human Trafficking in Government Contracts Act of 2022,” in January.
Sen. Lankford spoke of the bill in January, saying, “It’s not okay for the coyotes in Mexico to traffic people across our southern border, and it’s definitely not okay for the U.S. government to participate in human trafficking. We are the United States of America. We have to ensure when we work with a contractor that they are not trafficking workers.”
“It is ridiculous and illegal that this is still going on with almost no one being held accountable. Every Senator, every House member, and the President should support my bill to keep the U.S. government out of the sad and disgusting business of human trafficking with Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars,” Lankford added.
Sen. Ernst said, “Under no circumstance should our hard-earned taxpayer dollars ever be allowed to aid or assist in the horrific practice of human trafficking. This legislation takes important steps to ensure American tax dollars are cut off to any contractor found to be participating in this disgusting practice, and President Biden and congressional Democrats should immediately support this effort.”
Human trafficking is an often unseen, forgotten problem of monumental proportions that is a global problem of epic proportions. International Justice Mission reports that $150 billion is generated every year through this illegal activity. It is also a practice that preys on children, as 25% of the over 40 million people held in slavery are below the age of 18.
While Lankford’s bill focusses on preventing American dollars from funding the practice of this horrific act, the problem is much larger than any one bill can solve, as the majority of trafficking takes place outside of the U.S.
There are currently about 5 million children in India who are at severe risk of being sold into sex slavery, mainly because their mothers are already trapped in it. India Partners is one organization working on the front lines to combat the human trafficking and forced slavery of this vulnerable population.
Through July 27, India Partners is running a campaign to fight human trafficking and the sex slave industry in India. If you want to be a part of the amazing work that India Partners is doing to rescue these precious children out of the red-light districts, visit the donation page at India Partners and make your secure, tax-free donation.