Curt Flewelling FISM News
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent Independence Day ad asserting that freedom is under attack in the state of Florida has been met with a sharp response from Dave Abrams, a spokesman for Governor Ron DeSantis’s relection campaign.
“Florida voters are not likely impressed by Newsom’s handling of California,” Abrams said.
Abrams urged the people of Florida to pay no mind to the pathetic smear campaigns from the Democrats and their allies in the corporate media.
He went on to say, “we’re too busy enjoying the freedom Governor Ron DeSantis has created in the Sunshine State.”
Newsom’s ad ran on the Fourth of July, a holiday usually associated with freedom.
In a tweet introducing his ad, the California governor said, “We’re about to celebrate Independence Day – but Freedom is under attack by Republican leaders in states like Florida. Banning books, restricting speech, making it harder to vote, and criminalizing women and doctors. It’s time to stand up. Don’t let them take your freedom.”
Many on the right have found the ad’s theme of freedom ironic as they contend that the Golden State’s lack of freedom is at the crux of why a staggering 360,000 Californians fled the state in 2021, many ending up in Florida.
Newsom’s plea to “join us” in California does not even attempt to entice Floridians with lower taxes or a more business friendly environment, factors which have been cited as reasons blue states have experienced exoduses.
Labor Department data show that since February 2020, just before the pandemic brought everything to a grinding halt, red states have recovered nicely, adding 341,000 jobs, while blue states have continued to flounder economically, as these states have 1.3 million fewer jobs since the start of the pandemic.
Additionally, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that 8 of the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates have Republican-led legislatures, while 7 of the 10 with the highest unemployment rates have legislatures with Democrat majorities.
Lastly, the states with the biggest influx of people were Florida, Texas and North Carolina, all of which voted for President Donald Trump in 2020 and are represented by two GOP senators apiece. Conversely, the states that saw the biggest exodus of workers were California, New York, and Illinois – all of which voted for President Joe Biden and have Democrat-led legislatures and two Democrat senators apiece.
Some believe Newsom’s ad is an attempt to change the narrative from economics to freedom, at least as it pertains to social issues. His use of the phrase “freedom to choose” is a direct invite to disaffected individuals from other states who may be concerned with recent or pending restrictions on abortion.
Floris Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, believes this ad is the Democratic governor’s attempt to raise his national profile in light of the faltering leadership of incumbent President Biden.
“He’s just trying to get his name in the mix,” Rubio said. “Now, he’s being mentioned as a guy; he’s being speculated about.”
If Newsom does indeed have grander plans in mind, there’s no better place to shoot across the bow than Florida. This latest ad could indicate that he’s taking aim at a possible 2024 Republican.