Seth Udinski, FISM News

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A Liberian church fell victim to a fatal attack on Thursday morning, when gang members began attacking worship members at an outdoor service.

The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning during an overnight worship service near the Liberian capital city of Monrovia. Reports indicate that a band of armed criminals began attacking some that were gathered at the rally, possibly to commit a robbery. This caused chaos and resulted in a stampede in which 29 people were killed.

It should be noted that several news outlets, such as CNN and Reuters, have appeared to paint this as more of a fatal accident and not an attack on a Christian church, even though evidence points to the fatalities as a direct result of the attack.

Exodus Morias, a man who was in attendance at the worship service, recounted the attack afterwards. He said,

We saw a group of men with cutlasses and other weapons coming toward the crowd. While running, some people dropped and others fell on the ground and walked over them.

Despite the reports from news outlets, this tragedy was caused by an attack directed against Christians. What is even more heartbreaking about this report is that among the 29 confirmed dead, 11 of them were children. According to The Christian Post, there are many others that are in critical condition.

FISM News will follow this case as new information arises, and we ask our readers to pray for this congregation that witnessed this tragedy.

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