Matt Bush, FISM News
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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created a memo with game-like scenarios to help agents make real-life decisions about whether or not radicalization was happening and about which types of individuals were most likely to become “domestic terrorists.”
“The agency is out of control,” said Reed Rubinstein, senior counselor for AFL.@America1stLegal has released documents showing that the #DHS has conducted programs that characterize white people and conservative values as tilting towards radicalism. https://t.co/yW51nyEbG0
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) May 9, 2023
The group of people listed as the “most persistent and lethal threat” by the memo are those perceived as white supremacists. The second group labeled “other significant threat actors” includes black supremacists, sovereign citizens, anarchists, violent offenders, and anti-government violent extremists.
The memo went on to create five main characters in five storylines that, according to the Epoch Times, “put forward scenarios involving fictional radicalized characters. The main characters of four story branches are visually portrayed as white individuals who are presented as slowly slipping into violent radicalism on issues like abortion and government control, among others.”
Perhaps the most concerning of the five fictitious characters portrayed in the training material is named “Ann.” In the scenario, Ann is a “middle-aged pro-life advocate, is a radicalization suspect, and is in her mid-40s.”
This is the description given of Ann as the reason to suspect that she has been radicalized and may be radicalizing others:
This is Ann, a resident of Elkville in rural America. Ann has always been religious but since the death of her mother, she’s become increasingly devout. She’s a regular in the small town community, active in several church groups. While she has always been protective of her four kids, she has become increasingly more concerned about the welfare of other children, including the unborn.
To the Biden administration, this is a description of a person who has been radicalized and is a threat to become a domestic terrorist. A middle-aged white woman who loves her children, cares about the unborn, and is devoutly religious.
“These findings add to the litany of evidence that DHS has shifted its focus from threats of foreign terrorism to monitoring and meddling in domestic U.S. citizen political beliefs,” wrote the Foundation for Freedom Online. “DHS’s ‘radicalization suspects’ in the video screenplays are not violent terrorists or extremists. They are typical everyday Americans with typical everyday American opinions.”
America First Legal (AFL) released the documents after they obtained them from a Freedom of Information Act request. The memo was created on January 29, 2021, just nine days after Joe Biden was sworn-in as president.
“The Department of Homeland Security’s transformation into a domestic intelligence organization and a Stasi-like Deep State internal security apparatus is alarming,” said Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal Senior Counselor and Director of Investigations. The department is “profiling patriotic and politically conservative Americans as abusive parents and domestic terrorists because they oppose abortion on demand and voted for former President Trump. The agency is out of control.”
“The new documents add further evidence to concerns about the Biden administration abusing its power to attack political opponents,” states the Life News website, and it continued on to describe the administration’s attack on pro-life groups while seeming to ignore the mounting violence committed against pro-life advocates.
At the time of this writing, DHS has not commented on the memo.