Vicky Arias, FISM News
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North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum signed one of the nation’s strictest pro-life bills into law on Monday. The bill, known as SB 2150, bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, with few exceptions.
Abortions would be permitted in cases where the mother’s life is at risk or where the pregnancy would cause “a serious health risk” to the mother, and exceptions for rape and incest are permitted only within the parameters of the first six weeks after conception.
Additionally, the law makes it a class C felony for a person to perform an abortion on an individual outside of the exceptions listed in the bill.
Other provisions in the law stipulate that the pregnant female must be notified 24 hours in advance of the abortion “that the father is liable to assist in the support of her child,” and that she may qualify for medical financial aid to assist her throughout the pregnancy and the birth of her child. The mother must also be given the opportunity to see her baby on an ultrasound 24 hours prior to the abortion.
State Sen. Janne Myrdal (R-Edinburg), who sponsored the bill, stated that “North Dakota is a life-friendly state and [it] always has been.”
“Roe was erroneously put on the books federally, but the legislative assembly stated … that we are fully intent to protect life,” Myrdal continued.
North Dakota joins several states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, and Texas, among others, in enacting similar pro-life measures.
On April 13, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida signed legislation banning abortions after a heartbeat can be heard.
“While other states like California and New York have legalized infanticide up until birth, Governor DeSantis has enacted historic measures to defend the dignity of human life and transform Florida into a pro-family state,” a press release for the governor stated.
In both California and New York, abortions are legal through six months of pregnancy and may be performed after six months to “preserve” the mother’s health, including her mental health.
The states of Oregon, New Jersey, and Vermont allow abortions to occur without regard to gestational age, meaning a woman can obtain an abortion at any point in her nine-month pregnancy. These states also allow for the use of state Medicaid funds to pay for abortions.
As reported by the Bismarck Tribune, Gov. Burgum asserted that North Dakota remains committed to standing for the lives of the unborn.
“This bill clarifies and refines existing state law which was triggered into effect by the … Dobbs decision and reaffirms North Dakota as a pro-life state,” Burgum stated.
According to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, an estimated 1,153 abortions will be impacted in North Dakota as a result of the state’s life-saving bill.