Seth Udinski, FISM News
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According to a report released earlier this week from the Society of Family Planning, the number of legal abortion procedures in the United States dropped considerably in the six months immediately following the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court ruling.
The number of legal abortions in the nation decreased by 6% from June 2022 to December 2022. Numerically, over 32,000 babies’ lives have been spared by the protections offered under the termination of Roe.
The breakdown, according to CNN, is as follows:
There were about 5,000 fewer legal abortions each month, on average, then there were in the months before the ruling – a drop of about 6%. In April and May (of 2022), there were an average of about 82,000 abortions each month, according to the analysis. From July through December, that fell to an average of 77,000 abortions per month. The total number of abortions fluctuated month-to-month, but was always lower than it was in April.
In no surprise, the battle has shifted from abortion clinics to in-home procedures, where abortion solicitors are actively trying to obtain access for women to purchase mail-order abortion drugs and abort their babies in their own home.
In the latest news, FISM reported yesterday that the DOJ is begging the Supreme Court to stop all restrictions on the abortion pill mifepristone.
Author’s Biblical Analysis
For Christians, this drop in legal abortions is great news. It is all the more reason to praise God for overturning of one the most reprehensible, devastating, and altogether baffling legal rulings in world history.
We must always be about our Father’s business, and it is near and dear to our Father’s heart to defend the innocent (Proverbs 6:16-17). Additionally, the Triune God loves the little ones (Mark 9:36-37) and hates murder (Exodus 20:13). Should we not also love the things God loves, and hate that which He hates?
There is another reminder for us from this report, and it is this: The battle for life will only heat up. We must be ready to stand fast and defend the innocent.
As the battle for life progresses, we see that those who are the most ardent abortion advocates no longer listen to reason or data. They are so set in their agenda that facts are ignored and skewed to try to rationalize murder.
Those in Washington who are pushing an abortion agenda do not care about the little lives that are snuffed out, nor do they care about the women whose bodies and emotions are often damaged, sometimes permanently so, from the trauma of an abortion.
They do not want abortion to simply be an option for a woman; they want abortion to be celebrated, lauded, and defended unquestioningly by all.
Just this morning, reports surfaced from Washington revealing that the state has passed a law that allows underage women who are seeking to get an abortion to be excused from parental consent. Abortion fanatics are dead-set on an agenda that, at its core, is a murderous, hateful plot hatched in the pit of hell by the enemy of our souls, whose end goal is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10).
You can see the sinister fanaticism at play, and this is why we must meet this enemy with strength, courage, and boldness. We must not be afraid to stand up and speak for the defenseless.
This is, after all, what our Father has done for us in graciously rescuing us from the plight of sin, when we were defenseless. Let us do the same for others.
In this vein, if you have committed an abortion or have been a proponent of the abortion agenda there is grace for you just like there is for all sinners in need of redemption. There is no sin that is too “great” for the love of Christ. He laid down his life for all sinners so that we can be redeemed from our sins and have a relationship with Him. All one must do is repent and turn from their sins and accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. – John 10:10
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