Katie Kerekes, FISM News
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A Dutch TV Show which displays nude adults to children is under fire for a recent episode exposing those children to adults who identify as transgender.
The show, called “Gewoon Bloot” or “Simply Naked,” purports its intention in exposing these pre-teens to nude adults is to promote “body positivity,” and to “learn something about [the naked body.]”
“These kids, 10-to-12 year olds, get the opportunity to ask them questions about their naked body,” the show’s host, Edson da Graça explains at the beginning of the episode.
Aired on a public broadcasting network on March 21, clips of the episode began circulating on Twitter which show five trans-identifying adults removing their clothes to reveal the results of the surgical genital mutilation they have undergone.
One female participant who underwent breast removal surgery told the children that surgery is not necessary to be transgender. Another participant who underwent the same procedure spoke about her scars and the fact that her female genitalia is still intact.
“As you can see there’s something in my underpants, but I still have a vulva,” she explained. “I don’t feel comfortable with that body part, therefore I am wearing my underwear with a packer.”
A packer is an accessory designed to give the appearance of male genitalia through clothing.
The next participant discussed his breast augmentation and “vaginoplasty” with the children. In this procedure, which requires a series of surgeries, the man is castrated, and the doctor attempts to invert the penis to create a vaginal canal.
According to the Christian Post, this surgery can lead to frequent infections and complications.
When asked by the host how surgery made them feel, a female participant explained she felt “euphoric,” which none of the children knew the meaning of.
One child equated euphoria to the feeling of flying, and after hearing confirmation from the participant and host, she stated, “I want that, too.”
Two other children were interviewed after the presentation, with one saying she thought it was weird at first, but then concluded that it is “normal.”
“It’s actually really normal,” a young boy agreed.
But critics expressing outrage online warn of the pedophilic implications, with one popular commentator, Candace Owens, calling transgenderism “diet-pedophilia.”
Editor’s Biblical Analysis
This television show has aptly invoked righteous anger in those who seek to protect children from being indoctrinated by the transgender ideology.
The show reveals the deepest depths of the planned coercion of children. Children are being openly recruited into a life of adolescent sexualization and irreversible mutilation with clear deception and the normalization of life-altering surgeries in the name of an altogether anti-truth, anti-science, and anti-Christian ideology.
While the exposure of naked adults to children is extremely shocking, this sexualization and trans indoctrination has been normal on social media sites, especially TikTok, for years. Most of the children in today’s modern world are far more exposed to and influenced by popular social media accounts than they are by traditional networks or cable television. And TikTok accounts abound that spew similar lies and promote the ludicrous and anti-truth ideology that a person can find happiness, joy, and fulfillment in changing the way they dress and mutilating the body parts that identify their sex.
And their proselytizing is working. According to a recent Statista study, more than 1-in-5 members of Generation Z adults identify as a member of the LGBTQ community, more than double the percentage of millennials and at least five times any other generation.
But the preachers of this destructive ideology are far from the shadows of the internet these days. From Bud Lite and President Biden to “Blue’s Clues” and major hospitals across the U.S., it has become the practice of the secular society to promote the physical mutilation of the body as an answer to young people who, like all of us, are seeking true meaning in this life.
To seek meaning and fulfillment in the mutilation of the body is a direct affront to God and His God’s sovereign design in creation.
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The transgender ideology is actively leading children away from Christ and into the arms of an ideology that urges them to forever alter their bodies, often making themselves infertile and chained to a life of medicines and medical procedures that attempt to defy God’s design in nature.
These adults are harming children. They are causing them to sin against their own bodies. And Jesus was very clear about His views on this matter:
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. – Matthew 18:6
Believers, let us boldly follow the commands of Christ and lead His children to Him. Steer them away from any and everything that might lead them away from Christ.
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:14
Build them up on the foundation of Christ, ever growing in the knowledge of His Word so that they can discern for themselves that which is right and good.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2
And when it comes to the war of words between those who love the Truth (John 4:24, 14:6, 16:13) and trans proponents, let us concede nothing to falsehood. It is not enough just to be frustrated by the degradation of our society. We must actively seek to speak and promote truth in all we do.
Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. – Ephesians 4:25