Samuel Case, FISM News
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The importance Americans place on values like patriotism, faith, and raising children has plummeted to all-time lows, a new poll shows.
According to the results of a Wall Street Journal/NORC survey released on Monday, only 38% of Americans consider patriotism to be “very important,” a massive drop from 25 years ago when 70% said the same.
At the same time only a slightly higher percentage of Americans, 39%, consider religion to be “very important,” another nose dive from 1998 when 62% said faith was an important part of their lives.
The importance of having kids has also dropped from 59% in the late 90s down to 30% today, the same goes for community involvement which is only valued by 27% of Americans – a sharp fall off from a high of 62% in 2019.
The only value that has grown during the same time period is money, with 43% of Americans calling it “very important,” an increase from the 31% who said the same 25 years ago.
Broken down by political affiliation, patriotism is fairly strong among Republicans, 59% say it’s “very important,” compared to 23% of Democrats. The same goes for religion, with 53% of Republicans considering it to be “very important,” with only 27% of Democrats saying the same.