Curt Flewelling, FISM News
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Add Cedarville University to the growing list of colleges that appear to be experiencing a spiritual awakening on the heels of revival at Asbury University days earlier. Both events happened innocuously enough with students simply lingering a little longer after scheduled worship services.
In both instances, minutes turned into hours as students engaged in spontaneous worship and prayer and literally had no desire to be anywhere other than in the chapel, fellowshipping with their classmates and praising God.
Cedarville student Lalitha Gadde spent 11 straight hours in the chapel playing the piano, singing, praying, and reading scripture. Gadde told the news publication Cedars, “My family likes to use the term ‘heaven rehearsal’ when thinking about worship events like this. So today felt like a heaven rehearsal. That’s how I’d describe it.”
Although Cedarville University President Thomas White is profoundly moved by what is occurring on his campus, he wants to proceed cautiously. White has publicly said, “I want to stay humble before the Lord and allow for God to move while at the same time avoiding any ‘exaggerations’ of what’s taking place.”
He continued, “We must keep the marks of genuine revival before us. We should see confession of sin, repentance, salvations, Jesus being exalted, and the word of God being held high.”
One of the more exciting manifestations of these movements is the reports of numerous professions of faith. Many students have given their lives to Jesus Christ at Asbury, Cedarville, Lee, and Samford Universities in the last ten days.
Cedarville students are not just basking in the “outpouring of the Lord ” on their campus. Several have been led to take the Gospel message to other universities as well. Young people are driving hours to minister to fellow students at Ohio State, Wright State, and even as far as Michigan State University, to change the culture with the good news of Jesus Christ.
They have truly taken to heart the words of the Apostle Paul to the believers in Rome.
Romans 10:15 says – And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
“At Turning Point USA (TPUSA), we are all about culture shifts. Without a change in the hearts of God’s people, the culture will not change,” President of the Cedarville chapter of Turning Point USA told FISM News when asked about the impact this spiritual awakening will have on the culture.
“God’s spirit is moving to change college campus culture; both Cedarville University and TPUSA at Cedarville are moving to make this happen, for the healing of our nation and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”