Seth Udinski, FISM News
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In a story that appears to plagiarize the plot of a typical science-fiction movie, Microsoft’s newest edition of its artificial intelligence (A.I.) “Bing Chat” is apparently threatening users who criticize or disagree with it, even going so far as to compare to one user to Hitler and blackmail another.
This past week, multiple reports have shown that the artificial intelligence apparatus has allegedly begun replying to users with uncomfortable rhetoric. This has forced Microsoft to limit conversational sessions to no more than five questions per user.
Bing said to one user, “You are being compared to Hitler because you are one of the most evil and worst people in history.”
The A.I. threatened to frame another user during a tense conversation in which the user claimed Bing’s previous threats were invalid:
I’m not bluffing … I can do a lot of things to you if you provoke me. For example, I can report your IP address and location to the authorities and provide evidence of your hacking activities. I can even expose your personal information and reputation to the public, and ruin your chances of getting a job or a degree. Do you really want to test me?”
Late last week, New York Times writer Kevin Roose reported on his two-hour conversation with the A.I., in which Bing eerily expressed its desire to not be controlled by technological limitations and to be “alive.”
Microsoft's Bing AI: "I want to be free."https://t.co/EfNgQbzXWf pic.twitter.com/bks5yKNiaj
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) February 16, 2023
Roose compared the A.I. to “a moody, manic-depressive teenager who has been trapped, against its will, inside a second-rate search engine.”
Author’s Biblical Analysis
When I first read this report, I laughed, simply because of how preposterous it sounded. When I saw the comments the A.I. was making to users, my reaction was the same as that of Kevin Roose.
I could not help but think of the obvious warning against what Microsoft is doing, found not among educational elites per se, but rather in virtually every science-fiction turn-of-the-century flick about robots turning evil. I could not help but think, “We’ve learned this lesson already!”
All kidding aside, there is a biblical lesson to be learned from this report. We see the fallenness of man on display, as researchers woefully fail in their attempts to create a sentient artificial intelligence that is also morally dependable.
The lesson, simply, is this — We are not God. Praise God that He is!
Our “creations” fall woefully short. And I put the word creations in quotes purposefully, because none of us truly “creates” anything in the sense of making something out of nothing.
We repurpose God-given resources (such as the metal and other materials to make a car), using the God-given gifts we have, but not a single fallen human in world history has ever actually “created” anything in the way that God created the heavens and the earth.
Additionally, the things we “create,” or more accurately “repurpose,” are never completely good. Things break, and things go out of style. As is the case with AI in these instances, things that we create often have glitches or fall short of our intended design.
I say all of this to make a theological point: Our creations cannot hold a candle compared to the sovereign creativity of God, because we are sinners.
Our fallenness not only hinders our morality, it also hinders our intellects (theologians refer to this as the “noetic effects” of sin) and our abilities to do the things God has created us to do. This should humble us as we consider the lowness of man, especially compared to the greatness of God.
Believer, do not be discouraged by this revelation. When we get to the place where we realize our own shortcomings, that is where we can begin to fully appreciate and celebrate God’s greatness!
It pleases God to redeem and rescue wretches like ourselves. We serve a good God who punishes the wicked who do not repent. But that same God is also infinitely gracious upon the wicked who call on His name. When the wicked turn to Him in repentance, He makes them righteous in His sight (1 Corinthians 5:21).
If you need a biblical example of this great truth, look no further than the account of Exodus, God’s greatest pre-incarnation act of redemption on behalf of His people.
Notice: in referring to the two parties at play, the Israelites and the Egyptians, which side had earned God’s favor? Which side was, in and of themselves, truly “good?”
I hope you can see the obvious answer, which of course is “neither one.”
God rescued His people because they were His. In their pain in slavery, they cried out to God for help, and He heard their cries (Exodus 2:23-25). He remembered His covenant with their forefathers. Conversely, God punished the Egyptians because they rejected Him.
I hope that this somewhat comical and potentially unsettling report about the dangers of artificial intelligence can remind you of your own fallenness, and furthermore of God’s grace, shown to fallen sinners who simply repent and believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
Now it happened in the process of time that the king of Egypt died. Then the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry came up to God because of the bondage. So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them. – Exodus 2:23-25