Lauren C. Moye, FISM News
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White House physician Kevin O’Connor said that President Joe Biden is fit to serve as president in a memo released yesterday, but some have noted that no cognitive exam was performed.
“President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief,” O’Connor wrote in the exam summary.
Biden is expected to announce a 2024 presidential run soon, making the timing of this physical important.
A Harvard-Harris poll released on Friday shows that 63% of all voters agreed that Biden was showing signs that he is too old for office, including 32% of Democrats. O’Connor’s statement will go a long way to address these concerns.
However, the exam will do little to alleviate concerns that the president is showing cognitive declines.
The same poll also reported that 57% of voters doubt Biden is mentally fit to be president. This belief is highly partisan with 75% of Democrats saying they believe he is fit while 85% of Republicans expressed doubts. Meanwhile, 66% of independent voters also doubt his mental fitness.
The media, which placed pressure on former President Donald Trump to undergo a cognitive exam, have mostly neglected to make those same demands of Biden.
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Tex.), former White House physician under former Presidents Barack Obama and Trump, took special note of this media silence:
Remember when the media went BALLISTIC wanting Trump to have a cognitive exam? Where are they today with Biden? It’s SILENCE!!
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) February 16, 2023
After the results were released, Jackson tweeted, “We learned NOTHING from Biden’s physical exam. How bad is his cognitive issue? Is he on ANY drugs to treat his mental decline? This exam was a JOKE. COVER UP!!
The 5-page check-up result does list five medications that Biden currently takes. Two of these over-the-counter medications, while one prescription is related to allergies. Biden also takes rosuvastatin for cholesterol and apixaban to lower the risk of stroke or blood clot blot.
However, concerns have grown in the past few months that Biden is demonstrating mental problems.
One of these concerns involves the stiff gait that he walks with. O’Connor noted this stiff gait in his report as a result of an older foot fracture.
“The President’s gait remains stiff, but has not worsened since last year,” the doctor noted.
Another concern is when Biden appears ‘lost’ while on stage. For example, a video from Biden’s speech at the Laborers’ International Union of North America training center shows him in apparent confusion as he walked across the stage. At one point, Biden laid his microphone down, then picked it back up.
WOW! What is going on with Biden here??? He’s TOTALLY lost. This man needs a cognitive exam NOW. There’s NO WAY he’s ok!!pic.twitter.com/5nIAqmMSft
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) February 8, 2023
Biden’s apparent trouble reading from a teleprompter has also been noted as a potential warning sign. However, this has frequently been attributed to a speech disorder that caused Biden to stutter when younger.
Yet this doesn’t explain his speaking gaffes. Nor does it explain moments like yesterday’s accidental endorsement of school choice, a movement usually associated with conservatives, when attacking DeSantis on social media for his low opinion of the College Board’s advanced placement classes:
I think every kid, in every zip code, in every state should have access to every education opportunity possible.
I guess, for some, that isn’t the consensus view. https://t.co/d1FAeWwKv1
— President Biden (@POTUS) February 17, 2023
The statement is nearly identical to those spoken in favor of school choice in public schools.