Curt Flewelling, FISM News
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Americans continue to recoil at the notion of Joe Biden or Donald Trump running for president in 2024. A new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll reflects that 67% of those surveyed do not want President Biden to seek another term in the White House.
Former President Trump does not fare much better in the poll as 57% of those interviewed do not want him to seek re-election either.
The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll is a collaborative effort between the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University and the Harris Poll. It was conducted between September 7-8 and surveyed 1,885 registered voters. These recent poll numbers are consistent with similar polls taken over the last six months.
Although Americans seem to be unenthusiastic about a rematch between the two political adversaries, it is for very different reasons.
Half of the voters who did want to see President Biden run again cited the fact that they thought he was a bad president. Another 30% indicated that his age was the reason that they were squeamish to see him run again. Biden will turn 80 in November.
The reasons respondents mentioned for their hesitancy to back Trump in 2024 were more related to his personality rather than his job performance. 36% of pollees felt the former Commander in Chief was “erratic.” Another 33% believe that he will continue to divide the country.
Whatever the reason, the American electorate seems to be growing weary of these two rivals. Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, put it this way: “Americans want a clear change from this president and the last one. There will be a virtual voter revolt if these are the two candidates once again.”
If constituents are that dissatisfied with both Trump and Biden, then who do they want to see become president? The poll reflects that 39% of Republicans would support Governor Ron DeSantis should Trump decide not to run. Trump’s one-time right-hand man, former Vice President Mike Pence, is supported by 18% of Republicans.
On the Democrat side, voters would prefer Vice President Kamala Harris should her boss decide not to run. In a News Nation/Decision Desk HQ poll, the V.P. was supported by 16.1% of respondents. A tightly packed field of hopefuls polled just behind her; Senator Bernie Sanders 10.7%, Governor Gavin Newsom 8.9%, and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg with 7.8%.
Will either man simply exit stage left… or right? Only time will tell. But it is clear that regardless of what they can do for the country, Americans simply want to move on.