Curt Flewelling – FISM News
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A dangerous heat wave has gripped the Southwestern United States for weeks and will likely hang on through the Labor Day weekend. California, Nevada, and Arizona could see temperatures as high as 112 degrees.
The temperature at Furnace Creek in California’s famed Death Valley topped out at a scorching 124 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, one degree off the record for the month of September. Death Valley holds the world record for the hottest temperature ever recorded, a blistering 134 degrees back in July of 1913.
Heat waves have periodically plagued the United States in the latter part of the twentieth century. However, Americans were forced to endure some of the hottest summers on record in 1896 and 1901. These sweltering conditions were particularly brutal as they occurred before the advent of air conditioning.
While this weather phenomenon is certainly nothing new for the Southwest, it should never be taken lightly. The standard precautions that should be in place include:
- Stay hydrated
- Dress lightly
- Wear sunscreen
- Check on the elderly
- Stay indoors during peak hours
The last tip is of importance, particularly if you have air conditioning. However, with California’s ever-present energy concerns, that might not be so easy. California’s ISO (Independent System Operator) has called for citizens to limit their use of major appliances, particularly during peak hours, and to bump their thermostats up to 78 degrees or higher.
The politics of weather/climate is again very present during this heat wave. California Governor Gavin Newsom has taken the occasion to point out how man-made climate change is making the crisis worse. He is not alone, as even President Biden has weighed in by stating that the climate crisis is making heat waves more intense and more frequent.
The White House statement went on to say, “The climate crisis is…taking a toll on health across the country – sending tens of thousands of Americans to the emergency room, increasing risks of heart and respiratory problems, and especially endangering our workers, children, seniors, historically underserved and overburdened communities, and people with underlying health conditions.”
While many renowned scientists will cede that climate change is indeed occurring, some are not as convinced that humans and their behavior are accelerating it. One such individual is Joe Bastardi, who is the chief forecaster for the firm WeatherBell Analytics, LLC.
Mr. Bastardi laments, “The conclusion is that climate has been used as a tool for something that is not related to science. It’s sad the weather dialogue has become what it has, but that’s the way the devil works. He tries to hide the majestic evidence of a loving Heavenly Father with anything he can.”