Vicky Arias, FISM News
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The curriculum in a California school district claims there are over 10 sexual orientations and 8 gender identities.
As part of its health curriculum, Newport Mesa Unified School District in southern California teaches high school students that they can be gender nonconforming, gender questioning, cisgender, gender fluid, bigender, agender, or transgender, among others.
Additionally, according to the book “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School,” ordered by the district, sexual orientations include gynesexual, androsexual, polysexual, and skoliosexual, which is the term given to those attracted specifically to transgender people.
The same California district also teaches middle and high school students, numbering in the thousands, about gender by using a program called “Teen Talk.” Part of the program illustrates a “Genderbread Identity” man, which is used to explain different genders and sexual orientations.
The “Genderbread” man displays the gender identity spectrum on his body and “include[s] a video [on] “what it’s like to be trans in high school,” with two teens discussing transitioning,” according to a Fox News report.
Haley Jenkins, a mom from the school district, explained that “it’s horrifying … they try to create the little ‘Genderbread’ man to make it seem like it’s more fun. And it’s for younger kids – it’s appealing – but it’s confusing [for them].”
According to Teen Talk’s own agenda,
our society has only acknowledged two genders; male and female. But this has never been true … Colonization has played [a role] in interrupting the knowledge … that there are more than two genders.”
Teen Talk explains colonization as “the process by which Europeans took over [the] land … [and that] systems of colonization, and the racist ideas that go with it, still exist.”
The number of schools educating minors on the topics of gender and sexual orientation is quickly increasing across the country. According to the Washington Post, “resources and lesson plans for those who want to teach about gender identity are becoming much more common. Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics … and the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.”
Concerned parents across the nation are protesting these types of curricula and demanding that school boards give them the “right to know what is being taught to their children, [with] … easy access to class syllabi, textbooks, homework, and reading materials.”
The Newport Mesa school district responded to the questioning of its curriculum by stating that, “The California Healthy Youth Act requires that students receive comprehensive sexual health education once in middle school and once in high school, starting in seventh grade,” according to US Time Today.
Alicia Beget, psychologist and mom in the district, said that “Our children are sponges. There’s an influence on our young children, and this is … very much by design [by] the progressive agenda.”