Megan Udinski, FISM News
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A California school district paid a lofty price to further push critical race propaganda through a month-long educator training program.
Hayward Unified School District located in the suburbs of San Francisco implemented “Woke Kindergarten,” an education consultancy organization emphasizing anti-racist and anti-bias curriculum.
Woke Kindergarten was created by Akiea “Ki” Gross, who identifies with the preferred pronouns of “they” and “them.” Ki considers herself an ”abolitionist early educator, cultural organizer and creator currently innovating ways to resist, heal, liberate and create.”
The school district worked with Akiea Gross and the extremist curriculum last year. The contract abstract for the previous workshops showed Gross was paid $50,000 to provide training in pedagogy and educational practices that would “disrupt whiteness” and “white dominant/settler colonial narratives” with an additional $7,000 to “implement learning practices thru an abolitionist lens”.
The district has predominantly minority and low-income students, most of whom are Hispanic/Latino. The students consistently score well below the state’s average on math and reading proficiency exams, and according to the U.S. News, the school has no full-time counselors on staff. In spite of these lapses, the district deemed it a priority to shell out $20,000 for Woke Kindergarten.
The parent activist group Parents Defending Education first discovered the contract. Erika Sanzi, the group’s director of outreach, called Woke Kindergarten “ideological indoctrination.”
She went on to say, “In a single month, 20,000 in public dollars are being spent on a consultant dedicated to abolitionist education that describes itself as pro-black and queer and trans liberation. The organization literally teaches 5-year-olds that they can identify as a boy or girl or neither or a tree.”
On the organization’s website, Gross lists some examples of “woke wonderings” the curriculum promotes, such as, “If we abolished the police, what else could we do to keep people safe,” and “If parents and caregivers didn’t have to work to survive, how might this impact the lives of their kids,” and “If schools were nonexistent, how might you learn?”
Societal peace-keeping organizations like the police and military are necessary in a fallen world because without them society would descend into chaos.
Her other questions, as with most critical race agendas, seek to remove responsibility from the individual by claiming historical oppression as the source for black and non-white individuals today struggling with fatherlessness, poverty, drug addiction, and so forth.
While it is important to question why bad things happen and how our country got to where it is today, it is interesting to note that the Woke Kindergarten curriculum does not seek to provide any concrete solutions, but rather just creates more chaos.