Seth Udinski, FISM News
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In the latest chapter of the SCOTUS Christian Flag case, the cross-emblazoned flag of Camp Constitution will fly in victory over the grounds of Boston City Hall on Wednesday, according to reports from Liberty Counsel.
This marks a momentous win for proponents of religious freedom and free speech in an era when those two bedrocks of American society consistently fall prey to attacks from the radical left.
FISM News covered the SCOTUS case, Shurtleff v. City of Boston, extensively in the last year. The city of Boston reportedly infringed upon the religious rights of Christian organization Camp Constitution, headed by plaintiff Hal Shurtleff and represented by Liberty Counsel chairman Mat Staver, by preventing them from flying their flag at City Hall.
In May, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Camp Constitution, arguing that Boston’s blockage violated the organization’s right to religious freedom and exhibited a double standard because other organizations (including LGBTQ groups) were given the freedom to fly their flag in the same location with no issues.
The title of a “Christian” flag was at the core of the debate. Staver unveiled Boston’s hypocrisy in the case by arguing that had the flag been referred to as something other than “Christian,” the city likely would have taken no issue with it. It was only because it was an explicitly “Christian” flag for a “Christian” organization that Boston acted, thereby robbing Camp Constitution of its religious freedom and its freedom of speech on the forum of the City Hall grounds.
SCOTUS ruled that “Boston did not make the raising and flying of private groups’ flags a form of government speech. That means, in turn, that Boston’s refusal to let Shurtleff and Camp Constitution raise their flag based on its religious viewpoint ‘abridg[ed]’ their ‘freedom of speech.'”
Both Shurtleff and Staver will speak at the ceremonial flag-raising on Wednesday. Viewers can tune into the event live on Liberty Counsel’s Facebook page.