Seth Udinski, FISM News
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In a win for religious freedom, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled late last week that doctors have the freedom to refuse to perform abortions and gender reassignment surgeries based on their religious convictions.
The court ruled in favor of a network of mostly Catholic-based hospitals known as the Franciscan Alliance, which feared infringement of their religious rights from Health and Human Services working under the Biden administration.
Earlier this year, HHS put forth a ruling that would require medical personnel to perform certain medical procedures, such as abortions and transgender surgeries, even if doing so violates their religious or professional beliefs, a ruling the appellate court deemed unconstitutional.
In June, the president shockingly directed HHS to expand gender reassignment accessibility to children.
Many Catholics and evangelicals — irate and fed up with the president’s abandonment of core Catholic doctrine while still claiming fidelity to the faith — are overjoyed at this ruling that will protect doctors from betraying their religious beliefs.
Legal Counsel Joseph Davis said after the ruling Friday that it was “a major victory for conscience rights and compassionate medical care in America.” He continued,
Doctors cannot do their jobs and comply with the Hippocratic Oath if the government requires them to perform harmful, irreversible procedures against their conscience and medical expertise.
The panel of three judges ruled unanimously in favor of the Franciscan Alliance.
Author’s Biblical Analysis:
Christians are right to be irate with President Biden, who has repeatedly denied his profession of Christian faith with his propagation of openly anti-Christian views including the LGTBQ revolution and unlimited access to abortion.
This report reminds believers of two important truths as we live under a Presidential administration that many believe to be the most anti-Christian in the history of the nation.
First – We must be confident in the sovereign hand of God, who brings the rise and fall of kings and leaders. God, for His own glory and for the benefit of His church, has placed President Biden in the leadership of the United States at this present time. Even in the midst of a woefully secular administration, God has brought great grace to America during these last two years, including the destruction of Roe v. Wade. I am not at all arguing for Christians to be happy or thrilled with this current administration. Rather, I believe it would do us well to be confident in the sovereign hand of God, who is using this godless administration for His own glory and will bring its fall when He sees fit.
Second – We must rejoice when Christian values are upheld, and we must fight for the truth against godlessness. This ruling against the HHS decree is a great reminder that God has not abandoned this nation. It is the duty of faithful Christians to speak out against evil and not stand idly by while the wicked act in wickedness. God is working His sovereign plan through the obedience of His people. His people, therefore, must be obedient to His commands in word and deed.
Ultimately, Christians see the public and political sphere as yet another opportunity to share the gospel, which must be our ultimate gain. May we have the same desire for obedience and faithfulness to the commands of God as the Lord Jesus, who said in John 4:34,
My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.