Megan Udinski, FISM News
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On Thursday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a slew of bills into law focusing on gun regulations. One bill, in particular, was crafted to mimic the Texas Heartbeat Law.
Newsom’s intent is to slander the Texas law and present his gun control laws as ‘actually’ saving lives.
The Texas Heartbeat Law, SB 8, prohibits any provider from performing an abortion after a heartbeat can be detected in the womb. Additionally, it provides citizens the ability to sue anyone who aids or abets a woman in getting an abortion. Many on the left hate this life-saving law, calling it ‘anti-woman,’ and Newsom, who is a self-proclaimed Roman Catholic, is among those.
You cannot sell or manufacture illegal weapons of war in CA.
And if you do, there are now 40 million people that can collect $10,000 from you for engaging in that illegal activity.
We’re using Texas’ perverse abortion law to ACTUALLY save lives. https://t.co/TmdhzDcJJv
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 22, 2022
In an unprecedented move, Newsom has intentionally linked the issues of second amendment rights to the abortion movement. In SB-1327, the private right of action is given to any individual who knows of another individual in the state that sells, manufactures, transports, or distributes assault weapons or firearms without the necessary serial numbers, or 0.50 BMG rifles as well as parts used to make unregulated firearms.
The introduction of the bill states, “The bill would make these provisions inoperative upon invalidation of a specified law in Texas, and would repeal its provisions on January 1 of the following year.”
Additionally, the law restricts the distribution or selling of these assault weapons to individuals 21 or older.
Gov. Newsom commented in a press release, “California has the toughest gun safety laws in the nation, but none of us can afford to be complacent in tackling the gun violence crisis ravaging our country. These new measures will help keep children safe at school, keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and responsibly regulate the sale of firearms in our communities. California will continue to lead on life-saving policies that provide a model for action by other states and the nation.”
According to a 2021 Giffords Law Center report, California was ranked as the top state in gun safety in the nation. The press release compared gun deaths in states with radically left-leaning gun laws such as California to those with more relaxed restrictions such as Florida or Texas. It states that after the increased gun restrictions in California, the state saw 37% fewer gun deaths than the national average rate while those in Texas and Florida saw double-digit increases.
Those on the left claim these laws are common sense to keep others safe but see pro-life laws which protect the unborn as laws of hate. There are many double standards in California’s attempt to protect the lives of its constituents.