Seth Udinski, FISM News
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The state of Vermont is making a clear and unapologetic push for pre-brith infanticide across the state, with a new law in the works that could legalize abortion up to the moment of birth. This means a fully healthy, full-term baby could be legally murdered in the state at the behest of mothers, fathers, grandparents, or doctors.
Titled Proposal 5, the rule seeks to amend the Vermont Constitution, arguing that the “right to personal reproductive liberty,” under which the bill places unrestricted access to abortion at any point in a pregnancy, should be included in the state’s rule of law.
The law was first codified in 2019, specifically stating that a woman can legally get an abortion with no fear of legal punishment up until the baby emerges from the mother’s womb. State authorities are now trying to make it permanently protected under the Vermont Constitution.
Proposal 5 states, in part,
This proposal would amend the Constitution of the State of Vermont to ensure that every Vermonter is afforded personal reproductive liberty…The right to reproductive liberty is central to the exercise of personal autonomy and involves decisions people should be able to make free from compulsion of the State. Enshrining this right in the Constitution is critical to ensuring equal protection and treatment under the law and upholding the right of all people to health, dignity, independence, and freedom.
The irony with this abortion law, as with so many others like it, is that its proponents claim to “uphold the rights of all people.” By passing laws such as this, an entire group of human beings with no voice become the victims of a genocide that is protected under the law.
The rights of all people are not protected with abortion expansion. Instead, the rights of unborn children, the most vulnerable people group in humanity, are profanely violated.
The law is scheduled to be codified into the Vermont Constitution in November of this year. This makes the current abortion case in the conservative-heavy Supreme Court all the more important.