Seth Udinski, FISM News

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As the fight for life continues in the United States, the Democrat-led state of New Jersey is codifying a law that will radically expand abortion access throughout the state.

The bill, called the Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act, passed through the legislature on Monday with a 46-22 vote in the State Assembly and a 23-15 vote in the New Jersey Senate. The bill makes abortion more accessible than it previously was, allowing health workers who are not doctors to perform the procedure. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy affirmed that he would sign the bill into law

Murphy issued a statement on Monday, spinning the bill as a necessary law to protect the reproductive rights of women, ignoring the fact that abortion kills tens of thousands of unborn babies each year in the state:

A bill to codify a woman’s right to choose into state law and expand access to reproductive health care for all just passed both houses of the Legislature. I will sign this bill into law this week. With Roe v. Wade under attack, the need for this bill is more urgent than ever.

Sarah Fajardo, policy director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, repeated Murphy’s language, calling on the state to “guarantee that abortion is not legal, but accessible:”

At a time when reproductive freedom is on the line, we need to guarantee that abortion is not just legal, but accessible. We must go beyond the status quo and guarantee that abortion is affordable for all New Jerseyans, regardless of insurance access, immigration status, or income.

As many states appear to be holding ever more tightly to Roe v. wade, Christians need to be reminded what the Bible says about the unborn in Psalm 139. David praises God for His love and intentionality even in the womb, saying,

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

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