Seth Udinski, FISM News
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On Sunday, December 19, former U.S. President Donald Trump spoke for several minutes at First Baptist Church of Dallas, the home church of Pastor Robert Jeffress.
Trump’s appearance at the church on the Sunday before Christmas was a highly anticipated event as it came in the middle of Jeffress’ Christmas message.
Trump speech was brief, but he spoke poignantly about the state of America and the need for Jesus Christ:
More than 2,000 years ago, an angel of the Lord appeared … to humble shepherds and proclaimed the reason for our Christmas joy. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. When I was listening to Robert, perhaps unknowingly, you used the word Savior a lot. And our country needs a Savior right now. And our country has a Savior, and it’s not me. That’s somebody else much higher up than me. Much higher.
Trump’s words of praise for Jesus as the Savior the country needed was the high point of his message. He also had some controversial comments, including a statement that he helped “save Christianity.” Some have interpreted his comment to mean that the 45th president faithfully helped restore Christian values to America; values that were largely abandoned during the Obama administration. Others believe Trump was verging on blasphemy by promoting himself as a “savior” of the Christian faith, when Christianity has the only Savior it will ever need in Jesus Christ.
Still, Trump made sure to praise Jesus Christ not only as the Savior of America, but of the world:
The life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ forever changed the world. And it’s impossible to think of the life of our own country without the influence of His example and of His teachings. Our miraculous founding, overcoming civil war, abolishing slavery, defeating communism and fascism, reaching boundless heights of science and discovery, so many incredible things. None of this could have ever happened without Jesus Christ and his followers and his Church. None of it. And we have to remember that Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of our strength and of our hope and here and everywhere and for all time.