Seth Udinski, FISM News
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FISM News has followed the disheartening sexual abuse scandal of late apologist Ravi Zacharias, who was posthumously convicted of numerous counts of sexual abuse earlier this year. The celebrity evangelist died in spring of 2020, several months before abuse rumors began circulating. The latest update involves Zacharias’ eldest daughter, Sarah Davis.
Davis was previously the CEO of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), a position she had held since her late father appointed her to the role in 2019, several months before his death. Davis recently stepped down from her post, and not long after, began a new apologetics ministry called Encounter.
Part of the ministry’s mission statement is “carrying the Gospel invitation to individuals and engaging in their questions so that they may encounter the love of Christ and enter relationship with Him,” while also encouraging “thoughtful individuals in Gospel conversations,” and “training and discipling messengers of Christ’s love for their spheres of influence.”
Encounter’s mission statement is very similar to that of RZIM, and many have accused Davis of creating a new ministry while she ineffectively lead her previous ministry through the abuse allegations before abandoning it.
Carson Weinbauer, who also once worked under Zacharias at RZIM, shared his thoughts on Twitter:
Christianity Today reports on the launch of a "new ministry" called Encounter:https://t.co/1xnxuwOqwy
The "new" ministry is:
1. Led by the former CEO of RZIM
2. Features only former RZIM speakers
3. Will enjoy the offices in RZIM's building
4. Is likely funded by RZIM's donors— Carson Weitnauer (@CarsonWeitnauer) October 18, 2021
Weinbauer continued, saying,
(The) new name and the new legal structure do not change that this organization is effectively RZIM…I’m also disappointed that Sarah believes herself to be a credible and trusted leader of an apologetics organization. Under her leadership, RZIM mismanaged finances, concealed sexual abuse, retaliated against employees, etc., etc., etc. … she is disqualified for this role.
Davis has admitted her mistake in assuming her father’s innocence. She released an apology back in May:
I earnestly wanted the truth, but I recognize that the steps I took didn’t always show this. I should have immediately called for an independent investigation in 2017, but I trusted my father fully, and I carried his narrative, both in 2017 and then initially in 2020, when we were first made aware of those allegations. In both of these, I know that I caused pain. I did not serve well, and I did not love well. And for this, I’m deeply sorry.”