Seth Udinski, FISM News
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This past week, biblically-faithful Roman Catholics breathed a sign of relief when the Bishop of Rome reiterated a long-held biblical truth.
Pope Francis affirmed Wednesday that abortion is indeed murder. The pontiff said,
Abortion is murder.. Those who carry out abortions kill. At the third week after conception, often even before the mother is aware (of being pregnant), all the organs are already (starting to develop). It is a human life. Period. And this human life has to be respected. It is very clear. Scientifically, it is a human life.
The Pope later rebuked bishops who involve themselves in “political” issues. The underlying sentiment from this statement, along with the Pope’s progressive policies in the past, gives the impression that Francis may not be as personally committed to the defense of the unborn as his predecessors. The Pope said,
A pastor knows what to do at any moment but if he leaves the pastoral process of the Church he immediately becomes a politician.
These comments come on the heels of Texas’ recent codifying of the “heartbeat bill,” banning abortions in the state after a heartbeat can be detected. – a law that could potentially save thousands of unborn lives.