Justin Bullock, FISM News
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A new study from the Mayo Clinic has confirmed a study from Israel that indicated that the Pfizer vaccine is significantly less effective at preventing contraction of the Delta variant of COVID-19 then previous variants. While the original Israeli study found that Pfizer’s vaccine was only mildly less effective, the Mayo Clinic study found that the Pfizer vaccine effectiveness rate dropped to a stark 42% in Minnesota and settled at an average effectiveness rate of 76% across the country. In addition, the Mayo Clinic confirmed suspicions that the Moderna vaccine is also less effective than advertised with an average effectiveness rate of 86%.
Ever since Israel’s study about the Pfizer vaccine was released, it was suspected that the Moderna vaccine would also prove to be less effective. This is because both vaccines are based on similar bio-technology and design. Doctors were quick to point out that while a small number of people vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccine might still contract COVID-19, the severity of the illness and risk associated will be dramatically lower than if you were to contract the virus without having been vaccinated.
The Mayo Clinic study was conducted in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, and Iowa. The doctors involved were unable to tell if the reason for the decline in effectiveness was due to the decline of the vaccines’ potency over time, a weakness to the Delta variant specifically, or a combination of both factors. The CDC has recently announced that the FDA is in the process of certifying a third booster shot for some recipients of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. This booster will be for the purpose of strengthening the vaccine and ensuring that it lasts a longer period of time.