Seth Udinski, FISM News
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On Monday, Governor Tate Reeves (R. MS) affirmed a truth that all Christians need to remember in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with allegations of new variants.
Reeves explained the clear teaching of the Bible on eternal assurance. He argued that Christians have every reason to take courage in the face of COVID-19, because of our hope in Jesus for eternal life. He said in a news conference:
In our state and in our nation right now, there are certainly necessary precautions that we can take with respect to COVID. But I believe very strongly in my faith. I believe very strongly in what the Bible says, and the Bible’s very clear that “Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” And, that is my worldview, it’s how I believe, it’s what drives me every single day, and I think it’s what drives a large number of Mississippians. We should take necessary precautions with respect to COVID, but we also understand that we do have everlasting life if we believe in Jesus, if we believe in God the Father, and I certainly do.
The governor accurately described how Christians should respond to the pandemic. Certainly, we should not be cavalier or foolish, and we must do our best to to be good stewards of the bodies and health God has given us. At the same time, we serve the sovereign and loving God of the universe, the Great Physician.
COVID-19 is no match for God. And what’s more, we have no reason to fear that which can destroy the body because of what Christ has done in saving our souls from eternal destruction. We have eternal security and eternal hope, even when faced with disease, in Christ.