Justin Bullock, FISM News
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In January 2021 COVID-19 was the number one cause of daily deaths in the US, but by the end of last month COVID-19 dropped to the seventh cause of daily deaths. This change is largely being attributed to the vaccine that has been widely taken across the US, along with the antibodies held by those who previously had recovered from the virus. In fact, the average daily deaths in the US has fallen by close to a factor of ten since the beginning of the year.
In January 2021 the average deaths were at a whopping 3,136 deaths per day, beating out the second cause of deaths in the US, heart disease, by over 1,000 deaths per day. Now, COVID-19 is responsible for 342 average deaths per day. This number still keeps COVID-19 in the top ten most deadly daily killers, but is less than heart disease, cancer, accidents, strokes, chronic lower respiratory diseases, and Alzheimer disease. This decrease is yet another sign that the epidemic is slowly coming to an end.
The medical research organization Health System Tracker published a report and analysis of the findings. In the report it was indicated that COVID-19 daily deaths are still much higher than they should be, but that the trend of the death rates is steadily decreasing.