Justin Bullock, FISM News
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Late last month Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) made highly controversial comments comparing the COVID-19 mask requirements and vaccinations to the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II. Greene was immediately criticized by both Republican and Democratic colleagues. Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said,
Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling. The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history. The fact that this needs to be stated today is deeply troubling… Let me be clear: the House Republican Conference condemns this language.
Greene’s comments come at a time when the Republican Party is looking for new leadership after removing Senator Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) from her post as the third ranking congress person in the Republican Party. Greene was also stripped of her responsibilities in the House committees earlier this year due to backlash to previous remarks she made regarding violence toward Democratic lawmakers. Many lawmakers called for Greene’s immediate censure by Congress, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) introduced antisemitism legislation in response to Greene’s comments, as well as the rising violence towards Jews in the United States.
On Monday Greene hosted a news conference outside the Capitol building where she apologized for her earlier comments:
I have made a mistake and it’s really bothered me for a couple weeks now… there’s nothing comparable [to the Holocaust]… I know the words I stated were hurtful and for that I am very sorry… I’m truly sorry for offending people with remarks about the Holocaust. There’s no comparison and there never ever will be… I just always want to remind everyone I’m very much a normal person.