Seth Udinski, FISM News
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The sexual revolution continues its mission to indoctrinate everyone, old or young. In the latest act of utter depravity, the revolutionaries are now blatantly targeting children.
Last week, Nick Jr.’s popular children’s television show “Blue’s Clues” aired an animated gay pride parade in an effort to celebrate “Pride Month,” which is observed by many leftists during the month of June. The parade featured a song singing the praises of all things LGBTQ, performed by drag queen Nina West. Set to the tune of “The Ants Go Marching,” the song glorifies all different types of perverted sexual identities, from homosexuality to bisexuality to asexuality.
Under the guise of “inclusion” and “love,” the writers of this once-innocent children’s program are holding nothing back in their all-out assault on God’s design for gender and human sexuality. Some of the lines from the song are as follows:
This family has two mommies. They love each other so proudly and they all go marching in the big parade…
Ace, bi and pan grown-ups you see can love each other so proudly…
Allies to the queer community can love their queer friends so proudly… Love is love is love, you see, and everyone should love proudly.
There is something sinister lurking beneath the surface. Blue’s Clues is a children’s show, created specifically for those who are near the age of preschool. This “celebration” of LGBTQ pride is simply and unequivocally a direct attack on the most vulnerable – young children. The line “love is love is love you see, and everyone should love proudly” is a vile warning to precious little ones that they must not even think that being lesbian, bi-sexual, polygamist, or anything in between, is in any way wrong. If they do, the LGBTQ activists declare shame on them for not “loving proudly.”
This attack against children is something the Church simply must not tolerate. Our Lord set the example on how we must love the little ones, and He offered a harrowing warning to those who might cause them to sin in Matthew 18:
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
May we share the truth with the little ones out of love for Christ, who loved us even when we were spiritually infantile.