Samuel Case, FISM News
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Despite White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s belief that the situation at the border isn’t an issue the majority of Americans are “focused on,” a new Rasmussen poll shows that the majority of Americans consider the situation a crisis.
The survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters found that 66% believe the current situation at the border is in fact a crisis. 20% say it’s not a crisis, and 13% are not sure.
Broken down by political affiliation, the vast majority of Republicans (85%) say it’s a crisis. Democrats are largely split with 49% agreeing with Republicans. Independents are also likely to agree (67%) that the situation at the border is a crisis.
As far as who’s to blame for “the nation’s current immigration problems” more Americans are apt to blame President Joe Biden (50%) than President Donald Trump (41%), and 9% are unsure. However, among those who say there is a crisis at the border, 69% say the situation is Biden’s fault. On the other hand the respondents who don’t believe there is a crisis, 74% blame Trump.
As of Thursday May 13, the Rasmussen Presidential Tracking Poll shows 50% of likely U.S. voters approve of Biden’s performance, while 48% disapprove. Thirty-three percent of those polled strongly approve of Biden’s job performance, while thirty-nine percent strongly disapprove.