Seth Udinski, FISM News
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One of the largest evangelical universities in the United States is entering murky territory in the LGBTQ revolution. This past weekend, Baylor University’s Board of Regents announced the university is moving to commission an official LGBTQ student group.
This is a baffling development from a Baptist university that has historically claimed to uphold biblical orthodoxy and the traditional definition of manhood and womanhood. The Waco, Texas-based institution is claiming to “strengthen care” for its LGBTQ students by exploring a student organization for LGBTQ students to connect and feel welcome, based on a high volume of mental health issues in the homosexual community.
The actions of the university appear to contradict its creed. Baylor is claiming to hold fast to the biblical definition of human sexuality and marriage, despite this clear affirmation of the LGBTQ identity. The university restated its position on human sexuality in its announcement:
The University affirms the biblical understanding of sexuality as a gift from God. Christian churches across the ages and around the world have affirmed purity in singleness and fidelity in marriage between a man and a woman as the biblical norm.
The university then immediately regurgitated a typical quasi-apologetic statement on “the dignity and worth of every person, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, as we strive to fulfill our Christian commitment of a caring community.” The desire to love every student unconditionally is noble and well-founded in the biblical understanding of God’s great love for sinners. However, the commissioning of an official student group based around a sinful perversion of God’s design for human sexuality is neither loving nor faithful to the truth. It is showing acceptance of an identity that is profane.
Baylor University is entering dangerous territory. Far too often, well-meaning religious organizations have sacrificed fidelity to the truth on the altar of “tolerance” and “acceptance.” Hopefully, this Christian institution will indeed show love and kindness to those in the LGBTQ community without abandoning their claim to uphold the biblical definition of gender and identity.