Samuel Case, FISM News
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This week, Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe unleashed a flurry of undercover videos allegedly exposing CNN’s motive to oust Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Today, O’Keefe’s account has been suspended. The reason for the suspension is unknown, but is presumably related to these videos.
FISM News previously reported on the undercover clips:
The footage showed several conversations between an undercover Project Veritas journalist and Charlie Chester, CNN’s Technical Director. In the footage, Chester confirmed CNN’s apparent goal in its coverage of the 2020 presidential election. According to Chester, CNN’s ulterior motive in its coverage was to skew the image of President Trump in such a way as to convince its viewers to vote him out.
In February, Twitter had permanently suspended the official Project Veritas account for “repeated violations of Twitter’s private information policy.” At the time, O’Keefe’s account was also “temporarily locked” for violating the same policy. Twitter required him to delete “the violative Tweet” in order to get back into his account.
The tweet in question contained a video of Veritas Senior Journalist Christian Harstock questioning Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen, outside his home. Hartsock asked Rosen to clarify Facebook’s internal policy of “freezing” comments containing hate speech or violence, to which Rosen provided no answer. O’Keefe deleted the video from the platform and was back on Twitter until today.