Ian Patrick, FISM News
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Last week, FISM News reported on a USDA release that said seed packets from China were being sent to random Americans across the country. The USDA told anyone who received such packets to report them to a local “plant regulatory official” or “APHIS State plant health director.” They would also be testing the seeds to see if they pose any harm to the North American environment or local plants.
The USDA updated their notice with an audio file from Osama El-Lissy, Deputy Administrator for the APHIS Plant Protection program. In this file, Mr. El-Lissy explains that they have identified 14 of the seed variants sent to Americans. They include mustard, cabbage, morning glory, mint, sage, rosemary, lavender, hibiscus, and rose.
The USDA is continuing its research and investigation into this matter, and still urges anyone who receives these seed packets to not plant them and contact a local plant official instead. If you have received a packet, or know someone who has, refer to this Q&A with the USDA as well as a list of who to contact in each state.
Sourced from the USDA