The tournament begins with the “First Four” round on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Many outlets are reporting that the film is the most-awarded movie in history.
Over the weekend two banks were handed off to the FDIC, stoking fears of broader financial failure.
The cartel released a letter apologizing for the kidnappings and murders.
The President claims the taxes will reduce the deficit and bolster Medicare.
Drama unfolded during a Congressional hearing where a couple of the journalists behind the Twitter Files were questioned by lawmakers.
FISM’s Faith Duncan focuses on what a panel from this year’s CPAC had to say about the modern state of feminism in the U.S.
FISM’s Ian Patrick reviews a congressional hearing on how China has grown to become the biggest national security threat.
Texas Tech named assistant coach Corey Williams as interim head coach.
The White House says cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico will continue.