The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) said on Friday it would resume processing applications for small business relief under the Paycheck Protection Program on Monday at 10:30 a.m. The SBA said it will be prepared to begin processing applications for an additional $319 billion authorized under the program from any approved lender by that time. […]

Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said on Tuesday they would introduce legislation to stop many mergers while the United States struggles economically during the coronavirus pandemic. Warren and Ocasio-Cortez said they would formally introduce the Pandemic Anti-Monopoly Act to put a moratorium on all mergers that would normally be reported to the Federal […]

Top Trump administration officials on Tuesday predicted a strong economic rebound in the fourth quarter as the coronavirus fades, but a senior White House adviser warned that near-term unemployment and GDP data will be a “very grave” negative shock. Kevin Hassett, senior economic adviser to President Donald Trump told CNN that unemployment could reach 16-20%, […]