Republican lawmakers on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis have released a report indicating that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and teachers’ unions coordinated at much higher levels in crafting school reopening guidance than was previously divulged, according to a Fox News exclusive report.

Chris Lange, FISM News [elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] The International Atomic Energy Agency reports that Russia has “in writing, transferred control” of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant back to Ukrainian personnel. Three convoys of Russian forces have already departed from the site and are heading toward Belarus, according to reporting by the Associated Press. The IAEA says […]

Chris Lieberman, FISM News [elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] Disney has recently become more aggressive in pushing a political agenda, but newly discovered videos reveal that executives in the company are not just pushing for change in government policy, they are also actively attempting to indoctrinate children through their programming. In a series of leaked videos published to […]