Only four days after ending isolation, a rebound case of Covid-19 landed President Joe Biden back in quarantine again days after praising a treatment drug.
After the U.S. government started the largest wildfire in New Mexico’s recorded history in April, it is asking victims to share recovery costs on private land, jeopardizing relief efforts, according to residents and state officials.
Two summers ago, the American media was transfixed on the mental capacity of then-President Donald Trump, who took a cognitive test to prove his capacity to lead and bragged for days about “acing” it.
There is a fair distance between today and a time when the balance of the Democratic Party will openly oppose President Joe Biden, but, in incremental numbers, some Democrats have begun to break ranks with the White House.
As the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) marches forward amidst a tumultuous season of abuse allegations, an uptick of CRT popularity, and attacks on its core theological doctrines, a trio of SBC leaders doubled-down on the denomination’s firm commitment to uphold biblical complementarianism.
Two life-long Democrat judges have switched political parties and will run for reelection as Republicans due to the Biden administration’s lax border policies.
To learn more about this bill, FISM News spoke with Mom’s for Liberty co-founder, Tina Descovich.
Judicial Watch said it found “over 700 pages of documents” exposing CRT instruction at a West Point cadet training program.
Portland schools have incorporated a woke LGBTQ+ elementary school curriculum that includes graphic images, encourages exploration of sexuality, and teaches that “genders are a universe” of options, according to a recent expose by journalist Christopher Rufo.
The crackdown on Canada’s Freedom Convoy was more elaborate than previously thought, as new documents show that a federal Canadian bank tracked supporters of the protest movement even after it was broken up.