A baby dolphin is being nursed back to health after nearly drowning off the coast of Thailand.
The Church of Scientology wants the U.S. Supreme Court to force three ex-members who have sued the organization over harassment received after reporting actor Danny Masterton for sexual abuse to move the case from civil courts to a “religious arbitration” system.
If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi offended the Chinese Communist Party with her visit to Taiwan, Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn might well send China’s rulers into apoplexy.
Austin, Texas, a city that prides itself on being weird, faces the awkward task of explaining how – in a city whose primary claims to fame are its government, college football team, and permissive attitude toward virtually all lifestyles and belief systems – a man was fired for following his heart.
The American Action Network, a conservative and center-right organization based in Washington, D.C., has dedicated several hundred thousand dollars in an effort to sway public opinion against President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan.
A federal court in Fort Worth, Texas has struck down a state law that prohibits adults under the age of 21 from carrying a handgun for self-defense outside of their home or obtaining a license to carry a handgun.
In a landmark move in the state’s fight against climate change, California, the most populous state in the union and the epicenter of American auto culture, will prohibit the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles starting in 2035.
In a decision that took eight years to reach, a judge has ruled that California churches cannot be forced to cover abortion in employee health insurance plans when there is a religious objection.
Russia killed a United Nations nuclear disarmament agreement that would have bound over 100 hundred countries on Friday, while their troops remain engaged in risky conflict near the Zaporizhzhia power plant located in Ukraine.
In the latest string of attacks on Christians in Nigeria, a Catholic school teacher was abducted by alleged Islamic extremists a couple of weeks ago.