Matt Bush, FISM News
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Rep. Carol Miller (R-W.Va.) introduced a resolution on July 1 pushing to declare June the “Month of Life.” Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced a similar bill in the Senate about two weeks later.
In a statement about the bill Rubio said, “The overturning of Roe v. Wade was a historic milestone for the entire pro-life movement. Designating June as the ‘Month of Life’ would celebrate this major victory and the Supreme Court’s decision to protect our nation’s most vulnerable.”
When Rep. Miller introduced the bill on July 1, 46 of her colleagues co-signed in support of life in general, not just of the unborn. Miller’s resolution “resolved” five things according to the bill itself. It supports the designation of a month of life, recognizes the importance of affirming the dignity of human life, supports life inside and outside of the womb, commits to surrounding mothers and fathers with the resources they need to survive and thrive, and encourages families and communities to stand by ready to assist those who need it.
Miller is a grandmother of seven, and in a statement to Fox News Rep. Miller said she “knows the joy that children bring to a family and celebrates the United States’ highest court’s decision for reaffirming that all children, no matter their age, should be cherished.”
NEWS → I led 46 of my colleagues in introducing a resolution to designate June as the “Month of Life”
All children, no matter their age, should be cherished, and the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade reaffirms that. https://t.co/vvMKZXzwGS
— Rep. Carol Miller (@RepCarolMiller) July 1, 2022
One of the Representatives that co-signed Miller’s bill, Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), recently welcomed a son into her home. Stefanik said, “As a new mom, I know there is nothing more extraordinary than the miracle of life. Hearing Sam’s heartbeat for the first time was the greatest blessing and gift for our family. This June, we celebrated the historic Supreme Court ruling that will save countless lives, and this resolution is a reminder of our commitment to defend the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every American.”
The overturning of Roe v. Wade did not end abortions in America, it simply removed the federal protection of abortion and returned the right to authorize abortions where it belongs, with the individual states. While some states had “trigger laws” in place ahead of the decision, many states will now have to figure out how to handle abortions and the rights of the preborn on their own. The ruling will certainly lead to more stringent abortion rules in general, especially in more conservative states.
This has many liberals concerned that those who “need” abortions in conservative states will not have access. They accuse pro-lifers of caring only about the baby and only until the baby is born, saying that most people who are pro-life are really only “pro-birth.”
In light of that, Sen. Rubio also released the framework for his “Providing for Life Act.” This legislation was designed to “provide comprehensive support for pregnant and new moms, as well as young children.”
The key provisions of the “Providing for Life Act” include enabling parental leave, expanding the child tax credit, expanding child support enforcement requirements, providing additional funds along with reforms to the WIC program, expanding tax relief for adoptive parents, expanding access to social services, expanding support for pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, creating a clearinghouse of resources for pregnant women, and enforcing rights for pregnant college students.
It is important to note that prior to introducing legislation to call June the “month of life,” Sen. Rubio introduced the framework of legislation that would help birth moms, families, adoptive parents, and others for the whole life of a child, rather than just their birth.
Starting with the Clinton administration, June has been known as “Pride Month” in support of the LGBTQ+ community, and there is nothing in Miller’s or Rubio’s legislation that would change that. However, Roe v Wade was overturned in June, and it is a huge milestone for those who are pro-life.