Marion Bae, FISM News
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Washington D.C. is littered with Democratic lawmakers that profess the Catholic faith, while encouraging evil, particularly abortion, and refuse to stand up against left-wing militants. This includes President Joe Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and a number of Congressmen and Senators.
A recent push from CatholicVote shows that the organization is taking this betrayal into their own hands, as they plan to spend $2.5 to $3 million in ads criticizing nominally Catholic Democrats who refuse to speak out, in an effort to push them out of office.
“Catholic” lawmakers have stood idly by, refusing to condemn abortion and actively encouraging it, as left-wing militants, including Jane’s Revenge, have targeted pregnancy centers and Catholic Churches for their views. This is what prompted CatholicVote to take action and raise money to run ads opposing these lawmakers.
On July 14th Brian Burch, the President of CatholicVote, published a message titled Silence is Violence, in which he said, “We need to publicly call out every Catholic in Congress who has betrayed our Faith.”
“Our nationwide campaign is turning up the heat on politicians who refuse to speak out while our churches are vandalized, attacked, or burned.”
Burch’s message Thursday announced CatholicVote’s first ad was launched last week, which opposed Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA).
Burch promises that this ad is the first of many they plan to run over the next three months, for the express purpose of voting out these politicians. They plan to target seats in at least 15 House and Senate races as we approach the midterm elections.
Regarding Rep. Axne Burch writes, “Rep. Cindy Axne, who calls herself a “lifelong Catholic,” is an extremist on abortion and has refused to speak out against the vandalism and abortion terrorism happening everywhere – including in her home district of Des Moines.”
These attacks Burch is describing picked up after the leak of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, showing that the backlash is a direct affront to the Catholic Church’s beliefs on abortion. According to a tracker on their website, 183 Catholic Churches have been attacked since 2020, and more than a quarter of those (53) were after the Supreme Court leak.
They write, “A new spate of at least 53 attacks has occurred since the draft Supreme Court opinion proposing to reverse Roe v. Wade was leaked in early May 2022, with many including graffiti with pro-abortion messages.”
Another tracker on the CatholicVote website shows the number of attacks on pregnancy centers since the Supreme Court leak, which was 59 as of Friday, July 15th.
CatholicVote had originally posted an image on the tracker page of a hateful tweet from Ruth Sent Us, a left-wing account that has now been suspended, that said, “Stuff your rosaries and weaponized prayer. We will remain outraged this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.”
In May, Nancy Pelosi’s Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone barred her from receiving Holy Communion due to her public stance on abortion. Late last month Pelosi made headlines again for receiving communion at the Vatican after this condemnation.
Pope Francis has been relatively silent on these issues of prominent “Catholics” publicly espousing opposing views. This was seen when he met with Pelosi and even gave her a blessing, despite her war on the unborn. However, things changed slightly this week when he publicly called Biden’s views on abortion incoherent. Though he did not condemn Biden, he did acknowledge that there was incoherence between his beliefs and the beliefs of the Church.
It is evident that Conservative Catholics are tired of seeing their faith misrepresented in politics, and they are determined to do something about it.