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Despite the wide-spread influence of feminism, a new poll revealed that most women in the U.S. still prefer to take their husband’s last names after they say “I do.”
A recent Pew Research poll showed that 8 out of 10 women, in opposite-sex marriages, still choose to take their husband’s last name.
That’s roughly 80% of women who make that decision, compared to only 14% who kept their name. Now things got interesting when the poll asked currently unmarried women if they would adopt their husband’s last name. Only 33% said that they would, while 23% of women said they would not.
To put these numbers in context, the survey revealed that most of these changes come from younger women, women with a postgraduate degree, and women who vote Democrat. Not surprisingly, conservative Republican women were the most likely to take on their husbands’ name. Now this comes as a separate poll showed that 40% of Americans are becoming quite pessimistic about marriage and family.
So, how should we as Christians respond?
According to God’s design, marriage is based on mutually beneficial submission and sacrifice. Ephesians 5:22-25 says: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord…Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. While originally, women took their husbands’ last names out of legal obligation, it eventually morphed into a tradition that showed their commitment to their spouses. So, while adopting a new last name isn’t mandatory for a successful marriage, it can be used as a sign of honor. Ultimately, we know that God cares most about our hearts. The actions that follow are simply demonstrations of what we already believe to be true.