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Donald Trump’s mug shot is turning out to be a boon for the former president – the Trump campaign raising $7.1 million dollars since he surrendered in Georgia last Thursday.

Immediately the campaign capitalized on the already iconic image – selling shirts, bumper stickers, posters, and more – all featuring Trump’s mugshot. Meanwhile Trump’s campaign site now features the picture on its landing page – urging supporters to donate.

A source told Politico Trump raised a whopping $4.18 million last Friday alone – breaking a campaign record for single day donations.

Over the last several weeks Trump has seen a staggering outpouring of support – raising a whopping $20 million off his recent indictments. To put that in perspective – that’s more than half what Trump raised during the first seven months of his campaign.

But will all be enough to keep his campaign afloat? According to CNN Trump’s Save America PAC has already spent over $40 million in campaign funds on his mounting legal fees.


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