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A new book by sociologist and researcher George Barna provides guidance for Christian parents.

The book, “Raising Spiritual Champions,” encourages parents to step up as a child’s primary spiritual educator. Barna says that’s because his decades of research into faith-related subjects revealed that primary worldviews are formed before the age of 13.

But Barna found that less than 10% of parents have any kind of spiritual development plan for their children. He blames a trend of outsourcing these critical lessons for America’s widespread abandonment of a Biblical worldview.

Barna’s book aims to equip parents to consistently disciple their children.

But he also warns that’s not enough to instill a Biblical worldview.

“Those kind of conversations are so critical, but none of it will take root unless you as a parent model that in your own life,” Barna said.

His book releases on Labor Day.


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