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A large group of migrants stranded on an island in the middle of Rio Grande were successfully rescued by brave agents.
Customs and Border Patrol said that yesterday afternoon, 140 migrants found themselves in a precarious situation when smugglers abandoned them.
The group became stuck on an island near Eagle Pass, Texas. As the river water levels rose, they had no way to safety.
But U.S. border patrol agents came to their rescue. Chief Raul Ortiz said it took agents 20 trips to complete the rescue. At the end of the day, all were safe with zero injuries.
The group was very diverse, with 10 nations represented. Nearly half of the migrant group came from Columbia, but seven Chinese nationals were also present.
While this incident turned out well, it could have been the next border crisis tragedy.
The Del Rio Sector which contains Eagle Pass is also sees frequent groups of over 100. Border Patrol said that 80% of large group encounters since October have been in this sector.