Chris Lieberman, FISM News
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Two separate lab leaks at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, one as early as September 2019, may be responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report released by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) on Monday.
“This report is a crucial development in getting to the bottom of COVID-19’s true origins and exposing the deception of those that sought to conceal how this pandemic started,” Marshall said in a statement. “A preponderance of evidence in this report suggests there were two separate unintentional lab leaks dating back to the fall of 2019 in Wuhan, China with significant evidence supporting that COVID-19 was a lab-created and altered virus.”
Dr. Robert Kadlec, who helped spearhead Operation Warp Speed, led a team of experts in authoring the 301-page report, entitled, “Muddy Waters.” The report comes at the end of an 18-month probe initially commissioned by former Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and continued by Marshall. Kadlec’s team also produced a shorter executive summary.
The Chinese government claims that the original COVID-19 outbreak began no earlier than December 8, 2019, and was a product of natural spillover from animals. China first reported several cases of an unknown respiratory virus spreading in Wuhan to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019.
But Kadlec’s team points to several pieces of evidence that support an earlier date of origin, including a spike of illnesses that were negative for influenza in Wuhan in the fall of 2019. Kadlec cites an account from the U.S. Consulate that said: “By mid-October 2019, the dedicated team at the U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan knew that the city had been struck by what was thought to be an unusually vicious flu season. The disease worsened in November. When city officials began to close public schools in mid-December to control the spread of the disease, the team passed the word to Embassy Beijing and continued monitoring.”
Kadlec also notes that Professor Yusen Zhou of China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences filed for a patent for a COVID vaccine on February 24, 2020. Based on the genetic sequencing that Zhou would have needed in order to file the patent. Kadlec writes, “Several experts assessed that Zhou likely would have had to start this vaccine development research no later than November 2019 to achieve the February patent submission date.” This would also imply that China began working on a vaccine for COVID at least a month before informing the world of the virus’ existence.
Kadlec’s team also assessed the biological evidence for multiple lab leaks, stating, “Epidemiological and genetic molecular analyses of the early published circulating Wuhan SARSCoV-2 strains supported the possibility of two spillover events two or more weeks apart.”
On Fox’s Mornings with Maria, Marshall explained the theory of multiple leaks, saying, “The first one occurring probably somewhere around the September timeframe in a Wuhan laboratory, an unintentional lab leak sometime in September of 2019. The Chinese then begin vaccine research. And we think that is when this epidemic, which became a pandemic, actually exploded. Most likely they were developing this vaccine in a laboratory at the Wuhan University working on primates. We think that’s when some type of an aerosol was accidentally released from that laboratory or a lab worker walked out of that with this very, very contagious virus.”
Once discredited as a conspiracy theory, more and more experts are now citing a lab leak as the most likely explanation for the pandemic. Earlier this year, both the U.S. Department of Energy and the FBI both said that they believe the virus originated in a lab.
Last month, President Biden signed a bipartisan bill ordering the intelligence community to declassify all information related to the origins of the pandemic. That report is due within the next two months.