Anyone tuning into the Conservative Political Action Conference expecting to hear sour grapes from recently jettisoned Project Veritas head James O’Keefe instead got a reminder that O’Keefe is nothing if not forward facing.
After requests for documents have gone mostly unanswered, Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chair of both the House Judiciary Committee and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, has adopted a new approach in his quest to learn if the FBI has unfairly targeted conservatives.
The nearly eight-year-old U.S. deployment to Syria to combat Islamic State is still worth the risk, the top U.S. military officer said on Saturday, after a rare, unannounced visit to a dusty base in the country’s northeast to meet U.S. troops.
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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who was part of a Republican delegation that recently visited numerous nations in the Middle East, says he wants the United States to take a strictly hands-off approach to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to restructure Israel’s judicial system.
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