Lauren Moye, FISM News
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Over 800,000 unborn lives have been saved by pregnancy health centers (PHCs) in the past 13 years according to recent data released by the Charlotte Lozier Institute. While abortion proponents criticize PHCs, sometimes called crisis pregnancy centers, for an alleged lack of true concern for the women who cross through their doors, the data shows the wide support and help that these centers offer their communities.
In the U.S. alone, the Care Net network has found that a total of 886,125 lives have been saved by PHCs between 2008 and 2020. By the end of 2022, that number should be close to 1,000,000 or over it based on previous years’ data.
The great care that these centers provide to nearby residents is seen in an analysis of 2,700 PHCs associated with national pregnancy center networks Care Net, Heartbeat International, and the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates. In 2019, Charlotte Lozier partnered with these networks to catalog and report on services provided at these PHCs.
In their analysis, they found that the vast majority of PHCs gave material items. At 2,525 centers, a whopping total of 1,290,079 packs of diapers were given away for an average of 510 packs of diapers given away per PHC annually.
PHCs also gave away 689,382 packs of wipes and over 2,000,000 baby outfits. They were also found to have provided 30,445 car seats and 19,249 strollers to their clients.
“Radical pro-abortion activists have violently attacked pro-life pregnancy centers in recent weeks, which Speaker Pelosi and other national leaders have failed to condemn,” said Chuck Donovan, the president of Charlotte Lozier.
He added that “compassion and decency” were winning according to the numbers and because of volunteers and staff. He continued, “Pro-life pregnancy centers help women fulfill their dreams by listening to their concerns and needs and building a network of community support to partner with the mother through pregnancy and beyond. This is what the violent activists are attempting to silence.”
Since the May 2 Supreme Court draft leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, pregnancy centers have seen a sharp uptick in vandalism, intimidation, and violence. FISM has previously reported on these cases. In attacking these PHCs, however, extreme-left groups divert funding from the communities that these clinics serve.
While PHCs have come under fire by left-leaning anarchist groups as “fake clinics” that don’t provide real health services, the statistics defy that narrative. The Charlotte Lozier 2020 report found that “roughly two million women, men, and youth” were provided “services estimated at a value of over $266 million.”
Charlotte Lozier found that a growing number of PHCs were providing free STD/STI Testing through the centers. In 2019, a total of 810 centers, or roughly 30%, provided these services. These PHCs also provided other care and services during that year: 86% offered prenatal and parenting classes, 27% provided childbirth classes, 19% hosted breastfeeding consultations, 7% offered fertility awareness-based methods training to help lower unintended pregnancies, and 36% provided sexual risk avoidance education to youth.
These services were offered free or with very little cost to clients. Yet Senator Elizabeth Warren recently vowed to “crack down” on PHCs through a bill that could potentially fine the centers up to 50% of their annual revenue simply for believing that abortion is wrong.