Samuel Case, FISM News
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Many Democrats and pro-abortion activists, who argue abortion should be available on demand up to the point of birth, assert that overturning Roe V. Wade would be out of step with the will of the American people, but according to a new Trafalgar Group / COSA poll the vast majority of Americans don’t agree with the far-left’s position on the issue.
The survey, conducted in early May, found that 57.6% of Americans believe abortion should either be illegal after conception or once a heartbeat can be detected. In fact, only 11.6% agree with the likes of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that abortions should remain legal at any point in a pregnancy, a position he attempted to codify into law in a Senate vote last week. Roughly 30% are somewhere in between saying that abortion should be legal in the first and second trimester.
Even among those registered as Democrat, most are opposed to abortion up to birth, with only 18.8% in favor of keeping late-term abortions legal. The majority of Democrats polled said they believe abortion should only be an option in the first and second trimester (45.3%).
Republicans, meanwhile, are most likely to say abortion should be illegal unless the mother’s life is in danger (23.1%) or in the case of rape and incest (35.7%). 22.7% of the party said they would like abortion to be legal up until at heartbeat can be detected.
The survey reveals that while a majority of Americans wouldn’t be considered pro-life, they are not as nearly pro-choice as most Democratic politicians, and instead hold a more nuanced view on the issue.