Willie R. Tubbs, FISM News
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ORLANDO – North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and former North Carolina Congressman Mark Walker share more than a first name. During their respective speeches to CPAC 2022, both advocated for the involvement of Christians and Christianity in American society.
Robinson was the more direct of the two, leading with a word of thanksgiving to Jesus and following with what sounded as much like a revival sermon as it did a stump speech.
“As always, [the] very first thing I’m going to do is thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ,” Robinson said. “Jesus Christ is the reason we live in this blessed and prosperous land. I don’t care what anybody says. The United States of America is a Christian nation, founded on the principles and wisdom of Jesus Christ.”
Later in the day, Walker frequently referenced God as he urged CPAC attendees to fight on against what he described as the evil of the Left.
“The battle for freedom in the 21st century is as much spiritual warfare as it is political,” Walker said. “When Democratic members of Congress vote, literally vote, against sustaining the life of a baby that somehow survives a botched abortion, my friends that’s evil. When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris give the green light to illegals when they know their children will be trafficked and assaulted by drug cartels, my friends that’s evil.”
Walker added, “In America, we have turned our backs on the Bible and the Constitution, and we’ve lost our moral compass. But today don’t lose hope. Because here’s the good news. Joe Biden and the Left have overplayed their hand and Americans are waking up and engaging like never before.”
Robinson’s speech was particularly well received and might have positioned him as a rising star within Republican ranks, even if he said he wants to stay in North Carolina to “slam the door on the federal government.”
The lieutenant governor passionately and vociferously attacked Democrats in the areas of education, policing, abortion, gun rights and COVID-19 response.
“What conservatives have said about the Left over the past 50 years at this present time is being [proven] true more than any other time in history,” Robinson said. He added, “At every turn, we see abortion being championed in this nation. Now with COVID, we see people being turned away for crucial medical procedures because they don’t want to relent to some type of mandate. Life means nothing to those folks on the left, and they prove it every day.”
Later in the speech, Robinson took an even harder stance when he said, “COVID is the virus, but you know what the real virus is? The real virus is Democrats. The real virus is totalitarian leftist thugs who have used this virus to browbeat the American people and used it for political purposes.”
Robinson described the Second Amendment as a God-given right, saying, “I can guarantee you there are places around the world right now that wish they had a Second Amendment in their Constitution.”
He ripped Australia and Canada as de facto dictatorships and called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Castro.”
His critiques of liberal-led education were strident, and Robinson accused Democrats of allowing “pornography in our libraries” and of promoting racial separatism.
“We are sitting black children on one side of the room and white children on the other side and teaching them to despise each other,” Robinson said. “If ever there was a time for Conservatives to stand up in this nation and fight back for our children, it is now. Right now!”
Robinson said he questioned the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election, and the quality of leadership exhibited by President Joe Biden.
“I don’t think 83 million people know who Joe Biden is,” Robinson said. “I don’t think Joe Biden knows who Joe Biden is. Joe Biden is an incompetent, incontinent, nitwit who has ruined everything he has touched. From Afghanistan to where you stand, he’s ruined everything he’s touched.”
Robinson was elected to his current post in 2020 and assumed office in 2021. He is the first African American to have served as lieutenant governor in North Carolina.
Walker represented North Carolina’s 6th District from 2015 through 2021. While he didn’t seek reelection in 2020 for the 6th District House seat, Walker is currently running for election to the U.S. Senate.