Seth Udinski, FISM News
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The situation in Afghanistan continues to develop, and in many cases, it is only getting worse. Over the weekend, a Christian missionary in the region released an update claiming Taliban officials are committing mass killings against anyone they deem as a potential threat to their rule. This places Christians in the region, many of whom converted from Islam, in extreme danger.
David Eubank, former Special Forces Officer in the United States Army, is a Christian missionary in the country. He gave an update in an interview with CBN News, saying Taliban warlords are killing dozens of people at one time. He further explained that these executions are happening all throughout the country.
They are hunting down people right now, trying to get all the names of anyone they perceive as an enemy…People who work with the U.S. government, people who are with other governments, people who work with non-governmental organizations they don’t agree with…Many have been executed. … I’ve seen recent photos of 30 to 40 people [being executed]…I believe it’s countrywide now.
International Christian Concern (ICC) added to Eubank’s testimony last week regarding the danger facing Christians in the region:
Their status as converts makes Afghan Christians direct targets for persecution by both extremist groups and society in general. In Afghanistan, leaving Islam is considered extremely shameful and converts can face dire consequences if their conversion is discovered.
FISM News will continue to follow the situation our brothers and sisters in Christ face in Afghanistan under the Taliban. May we continue to pray for faithfulness for the believers under fire there, for God’s hand of protection over them, and most importantly for the gospel to penetrate the hearts of those in the region, that many would repent and believe in the Lord Jesus.
Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. – Hebrews 13:3