Samuel Case, FISM News
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On Tuesday afternoon President Joe Biden addressed the nation, announcing the end of America’s 20 year mission in Afghanistan while attempting to defend the violent and deadly withdrawal effort by his administration, calling the withdrawal an “extraordinary success.”
Biden’s tone was uncharacteristically aggressive as he opened the speech, declaring that the war is over, followed by several moments of bragging about the size and scope of his administration’s efforts to evacuate Americans and Afghanistan allies from the region as it collapsed into the hands of the Taliban at the first sign of a U.S. withdrawal. Biden then honored the troops who died in the Kabul airport suicide bombings last Thursday.
Upon the military’s complete withdrawal, Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that over 100 Americans remain in Afghanistan. Biden claimed U.S. citizens were left behind because they had changed their mind last minute, but reassured American citizens, Afghan allies, and foriegn nationals that there is no deadline for helping them leave the country. He indicated the U.S. is still relying on the Taliban to help evacuate those left behind, saying they made a commitment before the world to do so.
The President asserted that due to the Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban the U.S. was in a position where it either had to leave the region or send tens of thousands troops back to Afghanistan to face the Taliban. “Taliban onslaught was coming,” Biden said, then saying he ultimately took responsibility for the decision to withdraw.
In closing Biden said America’s original mission is complete, but the U.S. can continue to ensure that terrorism does not return to the region without troops on the ground. Biden said future missions must be set with clear goals and focus on U.S. interests. He said America must look to the future where threats lie in China and Russia, adding America’s enemies would prefer the U.S. to remain in Afghanistan. Biden reiterated his belief that leaving Afghanistan is what’s best for America, before leaving the podium without taking any questions from the press.
Watch full address: